Friday, April 20, 2012

Dioscussion Point #5

Discussion Point #5-
             That racial stereotyping exists today is indisputable, as evidenced by the re-segregation of schools and neighborhoods, the extraordinary numbers and proportions of incarcerated people of color and minority races, and the higher rates of disabling illness and lower life expectancies among people of color and minority races, to mention only a few indicators. The continued presence of racial stereotypes is being uncovered by social psychologists conducting research projects across the country. And yet, unlike in the 1950s and 60s, there is no major social movement comparable to the Civil Rights Movement to combat this re-emergence.  There are virtually no government initiatives to address racial stereotyping, and little public discourse in the mainstream media about stereotyping.
*Why do you think this is happening? Who is to blame?

1 comment:

  1. The reason the government is not doing anything about it is because they are probably doing the same thing.

    The government is not the answer, the government is in place to serve the people not the other way around. If there is anything that needs to be done it needs to begin with the people.
